Saturday, February 10, 2007

Taking Pictures ...

The trouble with taking pictures while you're traveling is that you end up spending your time behind the lens of a camera and sometimes miss the excitement that's happening right in front of you.

I found this especially true when I went to the Australian Open in Melbourne. I was so busy trying to get the perfect shot of Roger Federer that I almost missed some of the best tennis in the Southern Hemisphere ...!

Digital cameras make it even easier to be out of the moment and into the picture and those of you who know me, know what a realist I am! I want to be right there in the moment, enjoying it for real not looking at it one second after it happened and getting caught up in the instantaneousness of the technology.

Nevertheless, I did manage to shoot some superb photos during my last 3 weeks in Australia, which I will share with you over the coming days as I begin the process of completing this blog.

Yes, I am home in Chicago -- arrived here on the evening of Sunday, January 28th -- 5 weeks after leaving. I've now been home about 2 weeks and am still trying to get back on Chicago/US time. At least now I am waking up in the late morning instead of mid-afternoon like I was the first week I was back. They say it takes 1 day for every time zone change before you get back to normal -- well, I've got about 3 or 4 days to go before I'm actually back here the 17 days needed to transition from Australian time to US Central time.

I crammed so much in the last two and a half weeks of my visit that I didn't have time to blog and I want you to enjoy the whole trip with me and so here we go ... it's rollback time ... to the Sydney Aquarium first, and then on to Canberra, Melbourne and back to Sydney and then home to Chicago. There's lots of photos to see so there will be less to read, so sit back, relax and welcome to my world down under ...