I call these 'jo birds' - they are in my colors - black, white, red and grey! |
There are so many different kinds of birds - from loveable budgies to finches and everything in between. The color combinations are often spectacular - and of course, you can also buy everything and anything you need to house and care for your bird. In the US, we usually just buy bird food in a bag or box, but not in Paris.
At the bird market, you can buy custom made bird feed, sold from barrels, much like you would buy grain, fruits or other edibles at a street market. It's amazing the lengths people will go to for their pets and Paris could never be accused of not providing the same "liberte', equalite' et fraternite'" for its furry friends.
The Ile de Ste Louis is mostly a residential island but it is quaint and charming and even though it is dotted with shops and cafes, it is not very touristy. It is quite a bit more quiet and mostly filled with locals. The few visitors are merely passing through on their way to Notre Dame and the Ile de la Cite'.
By the time I finished here, I was starving and so thought I might find a place to rest and eat on the Ile de Ste Louis - but nothing grabbed my interest. I wandered across the Pont Marie and headed into Le Marais - beating the crowds by a few hours. After a week of rain, the day had turned to bright sunshine and surely the best was yet to come.
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